Mr. Tang Xiaobing, a consultant from Gaopeng, gave a keynote speech on international trade hotspots at the Swiss China Legal Association event

2023 11/28

On the morning of November 27th, Mr. Tang Xiaobing, former Senior Counselor of the Market Access Department of the World Trade Organization (WTO), former Senior Economic Affairs Officer of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and Advisor to Gao Peng Law Firm, participated in a series of global expert insights events hosted by the Swiss China Legal Association (SCLA) and co organized by Gao Peng Law Firm, A keynote speech titled "The impact of non-tariff measures such as green product subsidies, export controls, and trade sanctions on enterprises and their response strategies" was delivered. Scholars, experts, and lawyers from the Ruizhong Law Association, Tsinghua University Law School, Anjie Shize Law Firm, Guohao Law Firm, and Tianyuan Law Firm gathered in the conference room of Gaopeng Law Firm to participate in this event.


Mr. Tang Xiaobing

Mr. Tang Xiaobing, as a long-term participant and builder of the multilateral trading system, presents his lectures from a Chinese perspective. The audience expressed their opinions on the impact of non-tariff measures such as green product subsidies, export controls, and trade sanctions on enterprises and their response strategies. And provided detailed answers to the questions raised by the audience during the communication session.


Meeting venue

This lecture ended smoothly with applause from the attendees and sincere gratitude to Mr. Tang Xiaobing.


Group photo of some attendees