"Is this melon ripe?" The first national case of film and television drama dialogue voice rights has been sentenced

2023 12/05

Hotspot · Analysis

"Is this melon ripe?" - The verdict of the first national film and television drama dialogue voice rights case

A game software called "Watermelon Stall vs. Watermelon Buyer" used his voice from a classic episode of the TV series "Conquer" without Sun Honglei's consent. Sun Honglei sued the developer and supplier of the game in court.

On October 13, 2023, the Chengdu Railway Transport First Court (Chengdu Internet Court) ruled in favor of the plaintiff Sun Honglei in this case. The game developer and supplier apologized to Sun Honglei and compensated him for economic losses of 30000 yuan, but did not support his claim for infringement of his personal rights.

Sun Honglei sued that the two defendants, without their authorization, developed and designed the game for profit, which objectively constituted an infringement of their voice rights. In addition, the use of the plaintiff's personality elements in this game to shape a bad character image also infringed on the plaintiff's general personality rights. He requested the court to order the two defendants to publicly apologize and compensate the plaintiff for economic losses and mental damages.

The First Court of Chengdu Railway Transport, after trial, found that the voice and portrait of a natural person, as a symbol of the personality of a natural person, have the attribute of personality rights. The two defendants used their voices in games developed, produced, and operated without the consent of Sun Honglei himself or the authorization of the copyright owner of the film and television works licensed by Sun Honglei, which constitutes infringement of sound rights. However, the character design in the game comes from the character settings in film and television works, and there is no significant deviation from the original drama settings in the game production. Objectively speaking, the game characters involved in the case are directed towards characters in film and television dramas. The general public's rational cognition does not recognize the antagonistic image of the game characters as Sun Honglei's own social understanding and evaluation. Based on the interruption of the identification pointing relationship, it does not constitute a general infringement of personality rights.

In recent years, film and television works with anti crime themes have frequently appeared on the screen, and the classic lines in them have made the audience talk about them in their spare time. The film and television drama "Conquer" was released in 2003, pioneering the focus on depicting criminals. At that time, its popularity was no less than that of this year's "Fury", and actor Sun Honglei became famous as a result of the drama, The classic lines have been constantly used for ridicule and re creation over the past 20 years. But in fact, sound rights have been explicitly protected by law.

Article 1023 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China clearly stipulates that for the licensed use of names, etc., relevant provisions on the application of portrait licensing shall be followed. The protection of the voice of natural persons shall refer to the relevant provisions on the protection of portrait rights.

The implementation of laws and regulations leads to the rule of the country, and the prosperity of culture leads to the prosperity of the country. In today's society of building a socialist rule of law and emphasizing human rights, we should fully respect human rights. The right to voice is an exclusive right enjoyed by natural persons. Anyone who uses the voice of others without permission and obtains benefits for commercial or improper profit purposes should bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

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