1.8 billion views are accused of lacking broadcasting qualifications, causing controversy over short videos or micro dramas

2024 06/19
Hotspot · Analysis

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Recently, a short drama with "Nanny Wang Mama" as the protagonist, "Reborn Me as a Nanny in the Ba Zong Short Drama", has continued to become popular on various mobile short video platforms. Its humorous and humorous plot and close to life character settings have won widespread popularity among audiences. However, just as the show's viewership exceeded 1.87 billion times and became a well deserved hit, some netizens pointed out that the show may not have obtained the corresponding broadcasting qualifications.

According to the relevant regulations of the country on the distribution license of domestic online dramas, all online short dramas that are broadcasted must obtain a distribution license or online registration number. Regarding this, it is suspected that the staff of the "Wang Mama" team responded that the audio-visual work is only a short video, not a short drama or micro drama, so they believe that there is no need to file it.

The latest work tips on the filing of micro dramas released by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television in April 2024 once again emphasize that from June 1, 2024, unapproved and filed micro dramas shall not be disseminated online. All online short dramas broadcasted, attracted, and pushed must hold a Network Drama Distribution License or complete the corresponding online registration procedures. Before the program is launched, the "Network Drama Distribution License" number or program registration number must be marked at the beginning of the program according to the corresponding format requirements.

The author found that starting from June 1, 2024, more than 20 episodes of the drama "Nanny Wang Ma" will be taken off various platforms. About a week later, the drama released a new series of works, and the opening credits were marked with (Tencent) WeChat Drama Preparation Zi (2024) No. 8495. From this, it can be seen that although the production of the drama is rudimentary and plays under the name of short video on short video platforms, its production method and dissemination channels are similar to short videos. However, its creative process adopts a serialization method, and it has fixed actor roles and a unified title, which is infinitely close to micro short dramas. The platform has regulated it as a micro short drama.

Many netizens are not clear about the difference between short videos and micro dramas, and the debate between short dramas and short videos is often in a Rashomon style. Based on the situation of "strong regulation" in the industry, short videos and micro dramas can be distinguished from the following aspects.

1. Content format: Micro dramas have relatively clear themes and main storylines, fixed actor roles, and a relatively continuous and complete storyline. Short videos do not have fixed actor roles, their themes are imaginative, and there is almost no continuous storyline between several short videos.

2. Production difficulty and cost: The production difficulty and cost of mini dramas are much lower than those of movies and TV shows, but there is still a certain production team that requires certain costs, with dedicated personnel responsible for script writing, performance, photography, recording and dubbing, props, editing, etc. Short video production costs are lower, the production process is simpler, and there is no production team. Generally, the filmmakers are overseas people, and a one shot to the end shooting method is often used.

3. Audience needs: Both short videos and micro dramas have adapted to the fast-paced lifestyle of modern people and their need for quick access to information. But mini dramas focus more on the storyline and emotional expression, attracting viewers with the quick presentation of conflicts, and viewers are more interested in novel and interesting content. Short videos, on the other hand, place more emphasis on the vividness and entertainment of the videos themselves. Viewers do not need to expend too much cognitive and attention, and can easily discover and share on various social media platforms.

Industry · New Policies

On May 6, 2024, the State Administration for Market Regulation issued Order No. 91 of the Provisional Regulations on Anti Unfair Competition in the Internet, which will come into effect on September 1, 2024.

The Provisional Regulations on Anti Unfair Competition on the Internet consist of five chapters and 43 articles, which are divided into general provisions, acts of unfair competition on the Internet, supervision and inspection, legal responsibilities, and supplementary provisions. In terms of regulating competition, we will improve the standards and regulatory requirements for identifying various types of online unfair competition behaviors; Clarified the new manifestations of traditional unfair competition behaviors such as counterfeiting, confusion, and false advertising in the online environment, and listed new types of online unfair competition behaviors such as reverse brushing and illegal data acquisition; Set bottom line clauses to provide regulatory basis for potential new problems and behaviors.

The Regulations on Cyber Violence Information Governance, which was deliberated and adopted at the 28th 2023 executive meeting of the State Internet Information Office on December 25, 2023, and approved by the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the State Administration of Radio and Television, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of August 1, 2024.

The Regulations on the Governance of Network Violence Information provide strong support for strengthening the governance of network violence information by clarifying the main responsibility of network information content management, establishing and improving prevention and early warning mechanisms, regulating the disposal of network violence information and accounts, strengthening user rights protection, strengthening supervision and management, and clarifying legal responsibilities. Among them, it is clearly stipulated that if network information service providers provide users with information publishing, instant messaging and other services, they shall authenticate the true identity information of users in accordance with the law. If users do not provide true identity information, network information service providers shall not provide relevant services for them.

In June 2024, the "Beijing Live Streaming Sales Compliance Guidelines (Draft for Comments)" and drafting instructions were released for public consultation.

In order to supervise and guide all parties involved in live streaming sales to participate in compliant operations, protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and promote orderly competition and innovative development in the industry, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Market Regulation has drafted the "Beijing Live Streaming Sales Compliance Guidelines (Draft for Comments)". The draft for soliciting opinions clarifies the specific compliance requirements for operators of live streaming e-commerce platforms and practitioners of live streaming e-commerce.