Shang Weiwei
Areas of practices

Maritime Affairs, Insurance, WTO and International Trade,

Practice experience

Since his employment,Shang Weiwei has always adhered to the concept of professional development,loyal to the facts,loyal to the law,practicing for the people,and pursuing fairness and justice.Over the past 10 years,she has successfully accepted a series of litigation and non litigation legal affairs cases with a solid foundation in legal theory,a determined and enterprising spirit of struggle,and a positive and responsible work attitude.

In terms of dispute resolution,I have provided litigation and arbitration legal services for insurance companies such as Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance,PICC branches,and Sino Italian Property and Casualty Insurance all year round.I am proficient in claims and recovery techniques such as cargo insurance,property insurance,credit insurance,and liability insurance.I have achieved good case agency results,and have been recognized and supported by various insurance companies.

In terms of non litigation,over the years,I have provided perennial legal advisory services to many large state-owned enterprises,and have rich experience in legal compliance of state-owned enterprises.I am able to provide rich legal training services,and have been praised by customers for many years.With unremitting diligence and efforts,she has achieved good social benefits,won social recognition and praise from the parties concerned.

Work experience
He started legal work in 2007 and joined Beijing Gaopeng (Tianjin) Law Firm in 2009. He has been practicing since then.
Educational background
Bachelor of Laws, Nankai University
In 2022, he was awarded a degree in English law jointly by the British Law Center of Cambridge University and the Sino American Law Exchange Foundation
Social positions
Member of the Maritime Law Professional Committee of Tianjin Lawyers Association
Member of Insurance Law Professional Committee of Tianjin Lawyers Association
Selected into the National Thousand Foreign-related Lawyers Talent Pool and Tianjin Foreign-related Lawyers Talent Pool
Tianjin Lawyers Association Foreign-related Professional Lawyers, Insurance Law Professional Lawyers
Representative cases
  • In 2021, acting as an agent in the marine pollution infringement dispute case of a marine ranch in Tangshan, fully recovered tens of millions of environmental pollution infringement losses from the marine engineering construction party, which is a typical case of marine environmental pollution and marine engineering infringement. In 2018, acting as an agent for a company in Shandong Province to sue the owner of the "Akeraios" ship for a dispute over the maritime cargo transportation contract, which is a typical case of domestic non genetically modified soybean oil bulk cargo damage recovery, and has obtained full successful recovery

  • In 2016, acting as an agent for the "Jinrun 988" ship hull insurance refusal case, the insurance company successfully obtained a full amount of refusal of compensation. This case has been reviewed by the Supreme Court and protested by the Procuratorate, and has received legal support. This case was selected for the case analysis of the 9th series of the "People's Court Case Selection" of the Supreme People's Court in 2016, and is a typical case of successful refusal of compensation by insurance companies in hull insurance

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Thesis and books
In 2019, he was invited to be included in the excellent lawyer interview series of "Lawyers in Great Countries: Praise for the 40th Anniversary of the Restoration and Reconstruction of the Chinese Lawyer System" by the China Cultural Information Association
Working language
  • Chinese
  • English
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