Tang Xiaobing
Senior Counsel
Areas of practices

Corporation and Investment, WTO and International Trade, E-Commerce/Digital Trade,

Practice experience

Before joining Gaopeng, Mr. Tang worked in the United Nations and the WTO for 35 years.

From August 1, 2002 to December 31, 2020, Mr. Tang worked in the Market Access Division of WTO as a senior counselor. He was responsible for the negotiations on market access for non-agricultural products (NAMA) of the Doha Round, including drafting provisions and agreements, and their subsequent implementation; responsible for the negotiations on trade facilitation measures,  including draft provisions and the implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement; and responsible for the negotiations and implementation of the Information Technology Agreements, including the entire negotiating and legal drafting process of the 2015 ITA Expansion Agreemen from the very beginning to the end. He was an expert in these areas and agreements at the WTO.

Work experience

From November 1987 to July 2002, Mr. Tang worked in the Goods, Services and Commodities Division of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), responsible for the formulation of trade policies, trade laws and multilateral trade negotiations. He participated in the entire process of the Uruguay Round multilateral trade negotiations.

From March 1986 to October 1987, Mr. Tang worked in the Division of Manufactures of UNCTAD,  and later on in the International Textiles and Clothing Bureau (ITCB) as an international textile trade expert in charge of trade policy and trade negotiations on textiles and clothing.  

From February 1978 to March 1986, Mr. Tang worked in China’s Ministry of Foreign Trade of and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC, now the Ministry of Commerce), responsible for the negotiations of China's accession to the GATT Multi-fiber Textiles Agreement (MFA), as well as the early preparations leading to China’s subsequent accession to the WTO. 

Educational background

University of International Business and Economics International Trade (Formerly Beijing Institute of Foreign Trade),Beijing, China

Pace University Law School; NY, USA     International Trade Law

Representative cases
Thesis and books
Working language
  • Chinese
  • English
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