Ji Jing
Areas of practices

Corporation and Investment, Civil and Commercial Dispute Resolution, Labor Law and Human Resource,

Practice experience

Lawyer Ji Jing is mainly engaged in civil and commercial legal services.

Since joining the profession in 2017,Ji Jing has served as a perennial legal adviser to many enterprises,including Yangzhou Thin West Lake Tourism Development Group Co.,Ltd.,Yangzhou Thin West Lake Tourism Business Management Group Co.,Ltd.,Yangzhou Sanwan Investment Development Co.,Ltd.,Zhicheng Square(Yangzhou)Real Estate Co.,Ltd.,Jiangsu Jiang'an Group Co.,Ltd.,and has provided professional services to the above-mentioned enterprises High quality legal advisory services,litigation and arbitration agency services.

Work experience

Lawyer Ji Jing joined Beijing Gaopeng (Yangzhou) Law Firm in 2017 and has been working in the unit since then.

Educational background

Bachelor of Law from Yangzhou University
Master of Laws, Yangzhou University

Social positions

Member of the Legal Advisory Committee of Yangzhou Lawyers Association
Member of Young Lawyers Committee of Yangzhou Lawyers Association
Member of the Architecture and Real Estate Masters Studio of Yangzhou Lawyers Association
Special Mediator for "Party A and Party B" Program of Yangzhou TV Station

Representative cases
Main perennial legal service customers / Civil action / Criminal action /
  • Yangzhou Slender West Lake Tourism Business Management Group Co., Ltd

  • Yangzhou Sanwan Investment Development Co., Ltd

  • Yangzhou Hongqiaofang Business Operation Management Co., Ltd

  • Yangzhou Huaduhui Business Operation Management Co., Ltd

  • Zhicheng Square (Yangzhou) Real Estate Co., Ltd

  • Jiangsu Jiang'an Group Co., Ltd

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  • Yangzhou Thin West Lake Hotel Private Loan Series Case Agent

  • Yangzhou Slender West Lake Tourism Business Management Group Co., Ltd. Representative for a series of disputes over store lease contracts

  • Agent for construction contract dispute cases of Yangzhou Garden Co., Ltd

  • Agent for a series of construction contract disputes of Zhongxing Construction Co., Ltd

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  • Criminal Defender of Liu Mouqiang's Dangerous Driving Crime Case

  • Xu Moulin, Zou Moubao, Criminal Defender of the Serious Liability Accident Crime Case

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Thesis and books
Working language
  • Chinese