Liu Ruxiang
Senior Partner
Areas of practices

Criminal Practice(Including Enterprise Criminal Compliance),

Practice experience

Criminal defense:"Qianbao","Yirentbao","Yiqianning"non smoking case,Delong Group senior executives'occupation case,Jiangsu Province's first case of suspected illegal operation of online game agents,"company contract fraud case,false issuance of special VAT invoices,fraud of export tax refund,smuggling crime,crime of counterfeiting registered trademarks,"Nanjing Typhoon Shelter"organized prostitution case,"lean meat powder"case,provincial department level cadres'bribery Abuse of power cases and the"Qian Mou Smuggling Waste Case"selected as one of the top ten typical criminal cases of the year by the Nanjing Intermediate People's Court,the"Top Ten Excellent Legal Aid Cases"by the Provincial Department of Justice,the review case of intentional homicide and death penalty by the Supreme People's Court,the case of"duty embezzlement of one million yuan,lawyer defense without prosecution",the case of"fraud of ten million yuan,contract fraud of one million yuan,lawyer effective defense successfully suspended"

Criminal Compliance:Lawyer Liu has considerable research and practical experience in the field of corporate criminal compliance and corporate criminal legal risk prevention and control.He has been employed as a professional in the third-party supervision and evaluation mechanism for corporate compliance in Jiangsu Province,Nanjing City,Gulou District,Nanjing City,and Liuhe District,Nanjing City.In May 2021,he participated in the special compliance rectification work of a construction engineering company in Nanjing suspected of collusion in bidding,Relevant enterprises and responsible personnel are not prosecuted;In December 2022,I participated in the supervision and evaluation work as a member of the third-party supervision and evaluation organization for corporate compliance in a pollution case in Liuhe District,Nanjing.Based on in-depth research on a large number of personally handled criminal cases,this paper summarizes practical methods for enterprise legal compliance review and criminal risk prevention and control,and has a keen insight into and skilled response to legal risks in the company's business process.It provides enterprises and public institutions with a series of legal services for daily operation criminal risk prevention and control,emergency response,and enterprise criminal compliance.

Since practicing for 17 years,he has been repeatedly praised and rewarded by national,provincial,municipal,and district industry associations and judicial administrative organs,and has a good reputation in the industry.

Work experience
Lawyer Liu Ruxiang joined Beijing Gaopeng Law Firm in 2010. Before joining Gaopeng, he worked as a full-time lawyer at Jiangsu Hailang Law Firm.
Educational background

Anhui Engineering University Undergraduate in Mechanical Manufacturing and Process Equipment

Social positions
Member of the Standing Committee of the Nanjing Gulou District CPPCC
The 14th and 15th Women's Representatives of Nanjing
Member of the Criminal Committee of the National Lawyers Association
Supervisor of Jiangsu Provincial Lawyers Association
Deputy Director of the Criminal Procedure Committee of Nanjing Lawyers Association
Expert of Nanjing Municipal Commission of Political Science and Law on the Evaluation and Resolution of Letters and Calls Involving Laws and Lawsuits
Professional member of the third-party compliance evaluation mechanism for enterprises involved in the case in Nanjing
Member of the first batch of criminal professional talent pool in Jiangsu Province
Off campus postgraduate supervisor of Intellectual Property College of South China University of Technology
External Tutor of Xijiao Liverpool University
President of the Nanjing New Federation of the Democratic League

In 2022, won the second prize of the NLD Central Thesis Award
In 2022, won the title of "exemplary individual for Participating in and Discussing Political Affairs" of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the NLD
In 2022, he won the second prize of "Selected Cases of Innocent Defense by Jinling Lawyers" by Nanjing Lawyers Association
In 2021, won the title of exemplary individual of Jiangsu Democratic League
In 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017, he was awarded the "exemplary individual for Performing Duty" of Gulou District CPPCC for five consecutive years; Several proposals were rated as "excellent proposals"
"Outstanding New Social Class Person" by the United Front Work Department of Nanjing in 2019
In 2018, he was awarded the title of "exemplary individual" by the Nanjing Municipal Committee of the National Democratic League for Political Participation
Won the title of "March 8th Red Flag bearer" by Nanjing Women's Federation in 2017
In 2017, she was awarded the title of "exemplary individual in Safeguarding the Rights and Interests of Women and Children" by the All China Women's Federation
In 2017, he was awarded the "2016 Top Ten Excellent Cases of Legal Aid in Jiangsu Province" by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Justice
In 2016, he was awarded the title of "Farun exemplary individual of Jiangsu" by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Justice
In 2015, she was awarded the "Top Ten Female Lawyers" by Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Justice
In 2015, he was awarded the "Excellent Defense Speech Award" and "Excellent Paper Award" by the Nanjing Lawyers Association
In 2014, he was awarded the "Excellent Legal Document Award" by the Nanjing Lawyers Association
In 2013, he was rated as "2010-2012 exemplary individual of Nanjing Double Support and Joint Construction Work" by the Nanjing Double Support and Joint Construction Work Leading Group
In 2011, he was awarded the honor of "Nanjing Excellent Lawyer for Safeguarding Employee Rights and Interests" by the Nanjing Lawyers Association
In 2010, he won the honor of "Industry Contribution Award" from Nanjing Lawyers Association
In 2010, he won the "Excellent Paper Award" of Jiangsu Provincial Lawyers Association
In 2008, he won the honor of "Lawyer Style Award" from Nanjing Lawyers Association

Representative cases
  • "Qianbao", "Yi Rent", and "Yi Qianning" are not smoking cases

  • Delong Group executive embezzlement case

  • The first case of suspected illegal operation of online game training in Jiangsu Province"

  • Corporate contract fraud

  • False issuance of special VAT invoices

  • The crime of fraudulently obtaining export tax rebates

  • Smuggling offences

  • The crime of passing off a registered trademark

  • "Nanjing Typhoon Shelter" organized prostitution case

  • The "Clenbuterol" case

  • Provincial and departmental cadres take bribes

  • The abuse of power case and the "Qian Moumou Smuggling Waste Case" selected as one of the top ten typical criminal cases of the year by the Nanjing Intermediate People's Court

  • Provincial Department of Justice "Top Ten Excellent Cases of Legal Aid"

  • Supreme People's Court Death Penalty Review Case for Intentional Homicide

  • The case of "embezzlement of millions of yuan by duty, lawyer defense does not prosecute"

  • The case of "tens of millions of frauds changed contracts and more than one million frauds, and lawyers successfully defended their effective defense and were suspended"

  • A non-prosecution case for compliance of a construction enterprise in Nanjing, etc

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Thesis and books
In 2010, "Discussion on the Criminal Responsibility of the Elderly" was included in the Proceedings of Jiangsu Provincial Law Association and won the Excellent Paper Award
In 2015, he wrote "Analysis of the Development and Application of the Lifetime Imprisonment System", which was included in the Understanding and Application of the Criminal Law Amendment (IX) and the Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Conference of the Criminal Law Research Institute of the Jiangsu Provincial Law Society
In 2017, he wrote "The Functions and Values of Lawyers under the System of Confessing Crime, Confessing Punishment and Leniency", which was included in the Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Conference of the Criminal Procedure Law Research Institute of the Jiangsu Provincial Law Society
"Analyzing the Difficulties and Countermeasures of Implementing the Exclusion Rules of Illegal Evidence" in 2018 was included in the Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Conference of the Criminal Procedure Law Research Institute of the Jiangsu Provincial Law Society.
In 2020, "A Brief Discussion on the Impact of Full Coverage of Criminal Defense on Lawyers' Defense Functions" and "Concepts and Trends in Handling Criminal Cases of Environmental Pollution" were published in "Lawyers' Practice and Research" published by China Business Publishing House
"On the Handling Procedure of Property Involved in Criminal Cases", Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Conference of the Criminal Law Research Society of Jiangsu Provincial Law Society
In 2021, "Analysis of the Coordination Mechanism of the Rule of Law in the Process of Yangtze River Delta Integration" won the second prize in the paper of the Central Rule of Law Forum of the Democratic League of China

Working language
  • Chinese
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